
A result of any type T that is wrapped with an optional error message

Used to provide contextual error information "upstream" of where the error was encountered, which allows for better logging where upstream elements can collate error messages passed back to them into an organized and sensible error log.

This class has a private constructor to force the use of the pre-defined static instantiation methods







result type, can be nullable


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object Companion


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Adds another test, and potentially another error, to a Validation.

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fun get(): T

Gets the wrapped result value

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Supplies the error message stored within

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Boolean check to determine if this result is holding an error

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Boolean check to determine if this result is valid (no errors)

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reports error, if any, to a provided reporter (such as a logger)

reports error, if any, to a provided string list

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Creates a new ValidationResult of type T wrapping the new value with the error(if any) from the receiver ValdiationResult (of any type, does not need to match T)

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fun writeError(errors: List<String>)

Writes an error log to console if this validation result is errored

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fun writeWarning(errors: List<String>)

Writes a warning log to console if this validation result is errored